
Russia's Vladivostok Port has become a domestic trade transit port in my country!

Recently, the General Administration of Customs issued an announcement to implement the strategic deployment of the countrys revitalization of the old industrial base in the Northeast, to promote cross-border transportation of goods in domestic and foreign ports, and decided to further expand the scope of the cross-border transportation of goods in domestic and domestic trade in Jilin province.

According to the content of the announcement, the General Administration of Customs agreed on the basis of the scope of the transboundary transport of internal trade goods in Jilin Province,Addition of Russian Vladivostok port (Shenzhen port)as a transit port in cross-border transport of domestic trade goods, and increasedZhejiang Province Zhejiang Mountains Container PortandThe Chapo Port.As an entry port for cross-border transport of domestic trade goods.

The new regulation will apply from 1 June 2023.

Cross-border transportation of domestic trade goods refers to the mode of transportation of domestic trade goods from one port within the customs territory of China, and through overseas transportation to another port within the customs territory of China.


At the same time, in order to open up suitable transport routes, the government of the province has organized relevant departments and enterprises to explore the maritime transportation channels of the Russian coastal area and reach a consensus with relevant Russian parties on the transportation lines and port issues.

The latest data from the General Administration of Customs showed that in the first quarter of 2023, China-Russia trade amounted to $538.46 billion, an increase of 38.7% compared to the same period, of which China exports to Russia at $240.74 billion, an increase of 47.1% compared to the same period; imports at $297.72 billion, an increase of 32.6% compared to the same period.

In addition, China-Russia trade in 2022 reached a record $1902.71 billion, with a growth rate of 29.3%.

The initiative of the General Administration of Customs to further expand the scope of cross-border transport of goods in domestic trade in Jilin will promote the revitalization of the old industrial base in the Northeast and provide more opportunities for trade cooperation.

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