
  • How to distinguish shipping terms such as customs declaration and interception?

    March 29, 2023

    Ocean shipping is the main mode of transportation in international trade, and it involves many terms, such as cut-off time, cut-off date, customs declaration, and customs clearance. These terms need to be distinguished during the operation process. Here are some explanations: Cut-off time refers to the deadline for customs clearance. Goods must complete customs clearance procedures before this time and submit the customs release note to the shipping company...

  • 沧源| 克东县| 哈尔滨市| 凉城县| 保德县| 万年县| 灵川县| 和龙市| 多伦县| 毕节市| 乐东| 兰考县| 达日县| 祁连县| 安国市| 江西省| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 深水埗区| 左权县| 金昌市| 四子王旗| 永德县| 兴业县| 张家口市| 英超| 合阳县| 澎湖县| 沧州市| 乐东| 合山市| 新安县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 阜阳市| 琼中| 鲁山县| 永年县| 武功县| 夏河县| 元江| 滨海县| 吉安市|