
How to distinguish shipping terms such as customs declaration and interception?

Maritime transport is the main mode of transport in international trade, which involves a lot of terms, such as customs clearance, clearance,customs clearanceandCustoms clearanceThese terms need to differ in the process of operation, and here are some explanations:

Customs clearance refers to the deadline for customs clearance, the goods must do the work of customs clearance before this time, and submit the customs clearance to the shipping company.

The contract refers to the time when the shipping company changes the format and content of the contract, before which it can be modified several times, after which it is generally not possible to change for free.

Port shutdown refers to the time when the port is closed, before that time, the warehouse can enter the terminal, and after that time can no longer enter the terminal.

Customs clearance refers to a series of specific operations such as customs reporting, reporting, customs reporting documents, transportation and shipment related to imports.

Customs reporting refers to the procedures declared to the customs by the sender or agent of the goods before the shipment of imported and exported goods.

Customs clearance refers to a procedure after the customs clearance, that is, all customs procedures for the goods can be officially released.

Customs is the collective term for a series of actions of clearance and settlement of customs, goods only after handling customs declaration, inspection, taxation, release and other procedures, goods can be released, and the release is called customs.

It should be noted that the customs clearance is part of the customs clearance section, the customs clearance is generally within 5 working days after the release. and the customs clearance is a time node, refers to the latest customs clearance time, the customs clearance time, the ship company no longer accepts the customs clearance information. The customs clearance is refers to the customs clearance, the customs clearance is refers to the goods, the customs clearance is refers to the customs clearance procedure for the ticket goods. Export time will be prepared before the customs clearance date for the customs clearance information, the customs clearance after the customs clearance the goods are loaded off port, the customs clearance procedure after the ship

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