
South Korea decides to continue to impose anti-dumping duties on coated printing paper

On March 18, 2024, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance of South Korea announced that it would continue to impose tariffs on coated printing paper from China, Japan and Finland in accordance with Order No. 1040.Anti-dumpingThe move was made after a sunset review of the coated printing paper involved, which weighs between 55g and 110g per square meter. The specific tax rates are detailed in the table below. The tax will take effect from July 22, 2023 and will be valid for five years.

The anti-dumping duties were imposed on July 10, 2017, when South Korea launched an anti-dumping investigation on coated printing paper within a certain weight range from China, Japan and Finland. The Ministry of Strategy and Finance of South Korea imposed anti-dumping duties on coated printing paper from these three countries from July 22, 2018, in accordance with Order No. 684, and the original measures were valid until July 21, 2023. During this period, South Korea launched the first sunset review investigation on March 21, 2023, and made a positive final ruling on December 21 of the same year, deciding to continue to impose anti-dumping duties.

According to the final ruling of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance of South Korea, several companies from China, including Shouguang Meilun Paper Co., Ltd., Nanchang Chenming Paper Co., Ltd. and its affiliated exporters will face an anti-dumping duty rate of 16.23%. UPM (China) Co., Ltd. and its affiliated exporters, Jindong Paper (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. and its affiliated exporters have also been subject to the same rate. All other Chinese producers/exporters will also face the same rate.

Japanese companies, including Mitsubishi Paper Mills Co., Ltd. and its affiliated exporters and Nippon Paper Co., Ltd. and its affiliated exporters, also face a 16.23% tax rate. All other Japanese producers/exporters are also subject to the same tax rate.

The situation for Finnish companies is slightly different, with UPM Communication Papers and its associated exporters facing a rate of 8.22%, while Stora Enso Publication Papers OY and its associated exporters face a rate of 12.94%. Other Finnish producers/exporters will face a rate of 12.94%.

South Korea's Ministry of Strategy and Finance said the decision was made after thorough consideration and evaluation of the interests and circumstances of all parties involved, and aims to protect domestic industries from unfair international price suppression in the context of fair competition and healthy market development.

Original announcement:Decision to impose anti-dumping duties on coated printing paper from Japan, China and Finland

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