
  • Detailed explanation of the import and export supervision of hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods

    March 26, 2024

    In global trade activities, the import and export of hazardous chemicals and hazardous goods is a highly regulated and strictly regulated area, aimed at ensuring the safety of people, property and the protection of the environment. This article will detail the relevant regulations, common questions, typical cases and welcome reminders for hazardous chemicals, hazardous goods and their packaging to help better manage risk and comply with regulations.

  • EU REACH Regulation: Key Guidelines for Chemical Exporters

    October 23, 2023

    In modern society, chemicals have become an indispensable part of our lives. However, many chemicals, due to their potential hazards, may pose a threat to humans and the environment. Therefore, countries have very strict management and control over chemicals, especially the European Union, whose REACH regulation has set a new benchmark for global chemical management. 1. Overview of the EU REACH Regulation...

  • 浦东新区| 玛纳斯县| 平邑县| 宁国市| 新绛县| 潜山县| 金溪县| 肇东市| 阿坝| 洞口县| 黄山市| 融水| 东辽县| 景德镇市| 宜宾县| 大城县| 泰和县| 荔波县| 屯门区| 昌江| 葫芦岛市| 玉林市| 赤壁市| 文昌市| 黄石市| 苍山县| 尼木县| 峨眉山市| 固安县| 太保市| 巴中市| 定日县| 驻马店市| 江都市| 东莞市| 淮安市| 桐梓县| 灵丘县| 木兰县| 惠安县| 腾冲县|