
  • The impact of the EU carbon border adjustment mechanism and the coping strategies of Chinese exporters

    5 July 2023

    I. Basic Concepts of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism The EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), also known as a carbon border tax or carbon tariff, is a tax levied by the EU on the carbon emissions of some imported goods. Simply put, CBAM adjusts the price difference between the same amount of carbon emissions inside and outside the EU, so that the cost of the same amount of carbon emissions inside and outside the EU is...

  • 景洪市| 瑞安市| 大化| 岗巴县| 友谊县| 灌云县| 贡山| 定安县| 合水县| 内乡县| 鲁山县| 通渭县| 琼结县| 正宁县| 治县。| 射阳县| 鲁山县| 洛川县| 西藏| 依兰县| 荥阳市| 兴海县| 平泉县| 清水河县| 泗阳县| 桦甸市| 肥西县| 隆尧县| 滦平县| 柳林县| 灯塔市| 阿荣旗| 马公市| 大悟县| 长宁区| 兴业县| 新巴尔虎右旗| 鹿泉市| 天峨县| 瓮安县| 拜泉县|