
  • In-depth analysis of the EU AEO system: How can companies gain customs clearance advantages!

    May 6, 2024

    I. Overview of the EU AEO System The European Unions Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) system is managed by the European Commissions Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union to enhance the security and facilitation of the international supply chain. Since its implementation in 2008, the system has allowed companies involved in customs activities to obtain certification throughout the EU and enjoy a range of...

  • China and Uzbekistan signed AEO mutual recognition agreement

    24 May 2023

    China Customs became Uzbekistan’s first “certified operator” (AEO) mutual recognition partner, announced at the “China-Central Asia Summit” held on May 18. The two sides signed the “Customs Agreement between the General Administration of the People’s Republic of China and the Customs Commission of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the “certified operator” system”, which marks China’s mutual recognition.

  • 藁城市| 咸丰县| 将乐县| 铜川市| 洛扎县| 延安市| 拉萨市| 武定县| 通海县| 鄯善县| 海原县| 额敏县| 安庆市| 多伦县| 民丰县| 孝感市| 高平市| 宾川县| 西贡区| 鹤岗市| 资溪县| 运城市| 金山区| 平山县| 吉木萨尔县| 海宁市| 易门县| 庄浪县| 富民县| 山阴县| 崇州市| 墨竹工卡县| 眉山市| 三江| 丹寨县| 固阳县| 松潘县| 子长县| 宜良县| 麻城市| 翁牛特旗|